Fans came together to discuss and interpret the update, which confused many of them, resulting in a topping of endless questions, over the already giant pile of mixed feelings.

Steam said Control can be played while in offline mode

To be more exact, on the official Steam news page, officials wrote that Control can now be played while Steam is in offline mode. Most of the players were confused after reading what Steam developers had to say, as they didn’t understand why a single-player game would require a connection in the first place. Other, more experienced users, tried to clear the air and educate their less knowing peers, by sayin that this recent information provided by Steam only applies to a certain game version. According to them, users could already play offline, and that this only applies to the base game-only version that was recently included with Humble Choice. This surely can’t be a bad thing and, at the end of the day, what doesn’t affect gameplay in any way, or doesn’t break the game, is most likely good news none the less.

Steam is about to launch more PlayStation exclusive games

As we already said, Steam is preparing to make more PlayStation exclusive games available for the millions of Steam users worldwide. After releasing Days Gone, which was a complete smash on Steam, developers are ready to serve some more juicy titles on a silver platter. Other PlayStation exclusive names that players can already enjoy on the popular gaming platform are Helldivers, Predator: Hunting Grounds, and Horizon Zero Dawn. As you can remember, Steam is also looking more and more into console gaming and is close to surprising fans with some awesome gadgets pretty soon.

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