The Vampires Game Pack also brings a new interesting world for you to explore: The Forgotten Hollow. This new world adds a deep and mysterious atmosphere to the game: There are cobwebs everywhere, gargoyles watch over your every move, and fogs creep along the ground.
Since this game pack was only recently rolled out, we’re going to list a series of interesting game facts as well as a few tips and tricks to help you navigate through this new vampire society.
The Sims 4 Vampires: Interesting facts to know
When a Sim is turned by a vampire, that vampire becomes their ‘master’ in the relationship panel. Vampires can recall their mortal lives. Vlad will turn up autonomously to your recently turned Sim’s home and feed on their spouse without asking. Vampires get a moodlet of “divine drink” if they think the Sim was particularly tasty. If you move to the empty lot in Forgotten Hollow and waste time trying to decide what to build while looking at the lot in live mode, your newly turned vampire will die in the sun. You can turn frogs into plasma packs. If you are in a romantic relationship with a vampire, the vampire can compare your Sim to a ‘long-lost love’. Quite harsh! Once a vampire changes to his Dark Form, they are more prone to use their powers autonomously. Vampires can completely get rid of their emotions by attaining rank 3 of a certain power. A Sim with 3 stocks into the sun weakness will die in the sunlight within seconds. If you try to cause Vlad to hallucinate, your Sim will end into a weird state that you can’t control. Sims can’t walk over the bridge in Forgotten Hollow. Vampires can gain weight if they drink too much within a short time. Vampires can command pesky ghosts to leave and go back into their urn.
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