The game revolves around the idea of a new kid in South Park, hoping to join Cartman’s super-hero group. Moreover, there is a short guideline of two video clips which guide users on how to take on the role. Sure the combat in South Park: The Stick of Truth was fun, but its turn-based combat wasn’t very strategic. In South Park: The Fractured But Whole.,you’ll be able to move your team members into position, using the environment to your advantage. With certain powers, you can even move your enemies into position. In addition, you can also manipulate time.  Ubisoft said “The new kid’s farts are so powerful, they can shatter the fabric of time, letting you change the order of attacks or skip enemies’ turns altogether. From a tactical perspective, there’s going to be a lot more to consider this time around.” Excitingly, Ubisoft has offered a free copy of its predecessor, The Stick of Truth on Xbox One, PS4 or PC, for anyone who digitally pre-orders South Park: The Fractured But Whole, downloadable instantly. Also, pre-purchasing the physical copy of the game’s edition – including the Collector’s Edition, will get you a limited-edition figurine of The Coon, and the code for your free, digital copy of ‘South Park: The Stick of Truth’. The game is all set for its release on Xbox One, PS4 and PC in Q1 2017.

What’s new with the South Park: The Fractured But Whole battle system? Talking about the turn-based combat strategy in South Park: The Stick of Truth was fun, wasn’t very  stimulating . The new South Park: The Fractured But Whole, lets players arrange their team members in positions and also make creative use of the environment. How is South Park: The Fractured But Whole features better than South Park: The Stick of Truth?

The much looked forward sequel, offers additional content as opposed to the South Park: The Stick of Truth and features a revamped combat system along with manipulation strategies for time as well as the battlefield area. The overhauled  looting and crafting systems, adds more thrill to the gameplay and allows players to  develop and refine their powers along the way. Also, features a treasure hunt like adventure for loot, that can be spotted throughout the land. Users can also craft their very own customized battle equipments and can recruit up to 13 members of Coon and Friends to assist on your mission, including Mysterion, The Human Kite, and the Coon himself.

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