Despite the major data breaches that occurred this year, millions of users are still using easily-guessable passwords. SplashData recently revealed their annual list of Worst Passwords of the Year. Here’s what they found after looking at over 5 million passwords leaked on the Internet this year.

Two of the most popular passwords are still “123456” and, of course, “password”. The next places go to 123456 variations, such 123456789, 12345678, and 12345. Other common passwords include: qwerty, iloveyou, princess, welcome, abc123, donald. Needless to say, if you use one of these passwords, then it’s time to change your password as soon as possible. Hopefully, your accounts have not been hacked yet. According to SplashData, 10% of users have utilized at least one of the 25 weak passwords on this year’s list. Surprisingly, 3% of users relied on the almost standard 123456 password. Such passwords significantly increase the risk of users being hacked and having their identities stolen by cyber criminals. Many such events took place in 2018 and here some of the most severe ones:

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How to avoid weak passwords

Now that we’ve seen how important passwords are, here are a few tips to use in order to improve password security.

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