To start the import process, go to GOG Connect and sign in to your Steam account. GOG will immediately scan your Steam library and import all games supported by both the platforms. The list of eligible game titles should grow in time, but the 23 titles already represent a satisfying offer taking into account the fact that this compatibility feature just got launched. The compatible game titles are: The available games will constantly come and go. This means they are limited-time offers made available by participating developers and publishers. The best solution to always be up-to-date concerning the available titles is to regularly check the GOG Connect page. In this manner, you can grab your copies before they vanish. GOG also offers  -75% discounts for a series of games until June 6. You can now buy Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Ultimate Edition for only $10.89 down from $43.39 or Xenonauts for $15.19 down from $21.69. GOG is very popular among Windows users because it supports Windows 10 from day one, making all their games compatible with Microsoft’s latest OS. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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