Even though, like all other games in existence, it came with a wide array of bugs and glitches, that doesn’t stop gamers from enjoying every second of it. Especially now that the game’s first DLC, Dawn of Ragnarok, has officially been released yesterday. However, Ubisoft didn’t manage to eliminate all the annoying issues. Players are still struggling with not being able to save or auto-save their games and end up either playing really long stretches, or losing their progress. As you can already imagine, that can become insanely frustrating in a short amount of time, so we’re here to show you some interesting workarounds for this issue.

How can I save my Assassin’s Creed Valhalla game?

Needless to say, modern problems require modern solutions. That’s the mentality that drove Valhalla users to find solutions of their own when Ubisoft failed to fix things. And since starting a new game and finishing it in one go, without saving, is out of the question for mostly all of us, we’ll show you some neat workarounds for the issue. Before we start, make sure you are not in a restricted area, where saves are not actually possible at all. Also, note that saving while during combat isn’t possible. AC Valhalla players reported this problem last year. It apparently came with an update and decided to stay for good. So what can you do? Turn to the easiest solutions there are, ones that do have the effect you desired, so you can save your progress. It might not seem like much but players that had this problem managed to temporarily solve it by using either one of the above-mentioned solutions. Both actions will force the game to autosave, thus temporarily fixing the bug. But the issue comes right back as soon as you initiate a new quest. Until Ubisoft permanently fixes this annoying problem, we’re afraid this is all that stands between us and not being able to save our progress. Were you able to save your game using one of these solutions? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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