Fallout Shelter is a fun and challenging game, but sometimes it also puts your patience to the test. The game is affected by a series of bugs, limiting the gaming experience. For the time being, there are very few workarounds available to fix them. In this article, we’re going to list the most common Fallout Shelter issues reported by players as well as their corresponding workarounds if available.

Fallout Shelter bugs on PC and Xbox One

Download issues

Many players report they can’t even download Fallout Shelter. Some lucky players can indeed download the game, but the process is so slow it seems it will take like forever to complete. If you’re experiencing slow download issues, follow the troubleshooting steps listed in our dedicated fix article.

Game fails to save progress

Losing all your vault construction progress after having invested a few hours into the gameplay can be very frustrating. This is not the first time Bethesda fans report file saving issues with the company’s games.

Micro-transactions won’t work

Xbox One players report they can’t buy in-game micro-transaction items. It seems that Bethesda needs to patch micro-transactions on Xbox One, but the good news is that you can buy the items on PC and they’ll transfer to the Xbox One.

Fallout Shelter crashes

Players also report that the game crashes when they hit the play button. It appears that this issue occurs mainly on the Xbox One, although PC users have also reported it. Speaking of which, if you’re experiencing Fallout Shelter crashes on your Xbox One, you can follow the troubleshooting steps listed in our fix article. These are the most common Fallout Shelter bugs reported by players. If you’ve come across any solutions to fix the issues listed above, feel free to list the steps in the comment section below. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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