In the meantime, players are currently affected by a new server issue. More specifically, players using the Steam server view are being sent to the wrong server. They are asked to log in with a password, although the server is not password-protected, while others receive an “out of date” error message.

Here’s how Funcom describes this issue:

Funcom is working on a fix for this issue and in the meantime, players should stick to using the in-game browser to find games.

  1. You are being asked for a password for a server that shouldn’t be password-protected 2) You are prompted with an ‘out of date’ error for a server that should be the correct version 3) You log in to a server you should have a character on, but end up having to roll a new one […] Thank you all for your patience and support while we work to fix these issues. We’re working on a patch that should fix these connection issues and that should go out by tomorrow. Also, when attempting to find the LAN server, you should already have the game client up before joining the server from the Steam server view. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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