The Legacy Edition contains Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remaster and in all honesty, the remaster looks better than the main game from the trailers — but that could be due to us having fond memories of Modern Warfare. Seeing a Call of Duty game that sets the battle in space is quite refreshing. We are also happy to say the game contains no lasers, but it does have robots similar to other games in the series and that might be an issue for some players. The decisions Activision is making with this franchise are a bit odd. Every year we have a new Call of Duty but since the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 came out three years ago, the Call of Duty games have all been set in the future. Because of this, the games look and feel the same with little in terms of variety. We can only hope things change for the better with future releases. Until then, enjoy this awesome trailer and keep in mind that the game is set to release for the Xbox One and Windows PC come November 4, 2016.


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