On the Windows Store, players can purchase the game’s chapters, starting with the second for $19.99. The difference between Windows Store and Steam is that the first chapter costs $4.99 on the former while Steam offers it for free. Steam users have an edge in this situation because they can try the free first chapter and see if they actually like the game. Windows Store customers have to take a leap of faith, especially if they have never played a game from Telltale and are here just for Batman. An alternative would be to get the first chapter for free by using Steam and trying it out before committing to the rest of the chapters if they are keen on purchasing the game from Windows Store. In the Dark Knight’s latest return to the video game world, players will guide billionaire Bruce Wayne through a series of challenges and adversities that put Gotham City in danger and threaten a city already hanging by a thread. In this Telltale series, players will soon find out that every decision they make counts tremendously as they uncover and learn more about Gotham as well as Batman and his uneasy state of mind. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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